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Yes, the Christmas decorations are out at the stores. That means that it is Operation Christmas Child season at our school. The kids have received a shoebox to fill with gifts and hygiene products for kids ages 2-14. Use these two gift suggestion lists to prepare your box for either a Boy or Girl. Your child also received a brochure about How to Pack a Shoebox. At the end of the brochure you will find a label to cut out and attach to the box. The label identifies the gender and age for which the gifts in the shoebox are intended. The label also has a QR code that you can scan and use to see where in the world your box ended up, The kids also received an Operation Christmas Child information sheet that provides additional information.
Watch this YouTube clip to learn more about what happens to the shoeboxes and why we are excited to be part of Operation Christmas Child.
If you have a senior or graduate who wants Federal Financial information, go to this site and explore the state of Texas FAFSA materials.
Check out the October_28th_Scholarship_Newsletter for the latest information regarding available scholarships.